Friday, November 5, 2010

(still technically) Friday Feature: doodles!

hey blogland, long time no post! this semester has gotten crazy, and i am itching for a break (not that last week's adventure to the nation's capital wasn't a fantastic mini-vacation, i just can't wait for a longer stretch).

i've done quite a bit of knitting, but none of it has been blocked or photographed yet, and as i have been neglecting our little crafty blog, i thought i'd share a bit of what i do when i'm not diligently taking notes or studiously...studying. or when lectures are boring or moronic...

click for bigger, doodle (c) Karen Pownall 2010
inspiration: hot air balloon/dirigible race = steampunkery; young sheldon = big bang theory; narwhal= narwhals; flowers =boredom; high cheeked angry man that turned out much creepier than i ever intended = harry potter? probably...; cute yoda & flower r2d2 = discovering and reading much of EPBOT's geekery and girliness blog, and this post in particular

i have a secret for you blog-readers, whoever you may be: for years i have been wanting to author and illustrate a webcomic. and i try to think of a really good story, and work at drawing people the same way multiple times, and somehow, i just can't make it past more than 5 or so strips before i lose motivation. so here's my most recent attempt: a strip without a plot, without context, that i spent four days 'perfecting.'

click for bigger, doodle (c) Karen Pownall 2010

also, you should check out these webcomics! they're all fantastic and i read and reread them whenever i can.
The Phoenix Requiem
Left-Handed Toons
The Zombie Hunters
Penny Arcade

happy november bloggers!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November is...

for enjoying fall decorations while planning for festive holiday decorations! for TEACHING A WORKSHOP AT DONNA DOWNEY STUDIOS!! (just a little excited about this one!) for taking classes and learning new techniques. for making presents and starting new projects. for purging and organizing. for inspiration a plenty.

photo: flickr. post idea: kara. see my other thoughts here.