Friday, July 13, 2012

crochet calamari!

last week, with the skein of the purple trilli, i started my first crochet project!

(follow me on instagram: kkpwnall)

the pattern is Squid by Maffers on ravelry, who's got some really adorable designs! i think it was a great first pattern, it almost solely uses single crochet, with occasional increases and decreases thrown in. the increases and decreases are simply and perfectly explained in the pattern directions.

invaluable in teaching myself to crochet have been these videos by the Crochet Geek aka Teresa on youtube, that were recommended to me by a customer in the shop a few months ago. her videos and explanations are clear, and i love how after showing the method at normal speed, she shows it again in slow motion, so you can see it really clearly.

it really is purple like the above picture, somehow this one turned out blue!

i bought the e-book of the Squid and Deep Sea Diver, and i think i'll start on that one next!

oh, and this'll be 164 yards of july's mile!


  1. This is adorable!! When I saw this in Instagram I hadn't realized it was your FIRST crochet project, nicely done!

  2. I hear crochet eats up the yarn more quickly. Faster miles! Love the squid.

  3. thanks yoli! it was a lot of fun, and much easier than i thought!

    i think i've heard that crocheting uses 1/3 more yarn than knitting, cassy. i've got another one or two crochet projects in the works, a pair of socks, and that damn sweater, hopefully july will be a good mile!
