Sunday, March 25, 2012

radio silence

our apologies for the silence around these parts, stitch has been busy with midterms and then enjoying herself on spring break, and I...well I have no excuse for being silent, but alas here we are! I want to contribute more around here again and have been coming up with ideas of things to share that are different than my scrapbooking stuff I share elsewhere!

I know summer is a few months off, even though it feels like summer here in North Carolina already, but I am already looking ahead at projects to occupy my time. I don't have a summer vacation, but I like to pretend that I do. I am going to dub this summer: the SUMMER OF SEWING! I have some projects that I've accumulated fabric for or bookmarked patterns, and this summer I am going to knock those out! The list so far includes recovering my jewelry bulletin board, making little makeup zippy pouches, making infinity scarves, FINISHING QUILTS (sorry stitch, this is long overdue, huh), and trying to work a handbag into a clutch!

What are your plans for summer?

1 comment:

  1. oooo i'd love to join you in the summer of sewing! i have so many half finished sewing projects from last summer, lol!
