Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Feature: Fair-Isle Knitting

i thought it might be fun to mix up etsy faves friday with a friday feature! so here's the first: fair-isle knitting!
first off, i adore fair-isle, the technique, the finished product, making it, buying it. i can't get enough of it. and i just finished a fair-isle hat that's a recreation of an old commercially-bought hat. so i thought it'd be fun to feature some of my favorite pieces along side it!

anyone who's talked to me about knitting recently has probably heard my schpeal about these Moulin Rouge Mittens. and how much i want to make them... it's such a brilliant design. Extreme kudos to Heather Desserud, she's got other brilliant fair-isle mitten designs on her ravelry page, you should check it out.
(ravelry link)

can you really have a fair-isle feature without showcasing a Kaffe Fassett piece? i think not! one of his most recent pieces in the new Rowan magazine is the gorgeous Lidiya Scarf (ravelry link)

my friend and co-worker at Hand Held has recently contributed to my knitting addiction by teaching me to do socks! and what else do you do when learning a new skill, but look up other fun patterns? that's how i stumbled across these Durmstrang Socks by Ann Kingstone (shown here knit by Northknitter (ravelry link).) (ravelry link)

speaking of my dear friend Cassy, she's made a lovely fair-isle hat called Zooey (ravelry link)! isn't it just gorgeous? and i'm seriously jealous her photography skills.

on wednesday i finished my most recent fair-isle piece, and my first original piece! designed after a hat zoom bought years ago, i wanted to recreate it.
So here's 'Autumn Phoenix'since i couldn't find near enough reds that i liked, i decided to go a completely different direction and pick up six skeins of various Amy Butler yarns (and you all know how much i love amy butler yarn). i could gush more, but i'll spare you the mushy details. if any body would like the pattern, i'll try to clean up my sketches and scribbles

happy friday!


  1. Cute, I love it. Can't wait to see it and your new socks. I have a sock book you'll want to borrow, it's Turkish fairisle. I've never made any but love the patterns. FYI - Kaffe Fasset is a man - google him.

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning my mittens! I'm flattered to be included. :-D
