Hello blogland and welcome to Stitch One, Zoom In! I'm Karen, and I represent the younger half of Stitch and Zoom. I'm currently based out of Fayetteville, Arkansas, where I recently moved in to a fabulous old apartment, go to the University of Arkansas to get my degree in Archeology with a minor in History, and spend as much time as I can with my amazing and supportive boyfriend, Chris.
I enjoy playing video games (especially those of a zombie nature), reading into the long hours of the night (a lot of fiction, but more recently some historical nonfiction (and the occasional novel...)), doodling in class, devising new ways to work with my oh-so-tiny kitchen, and hanging out with some great friends that I've made here. This summer, I'll be taking a History of Russia since 1861, and a History of Modern Terrorism (it's weird how crazy-excited i am for this class) at the University to get my minor moving along.
When I'm not in class or working at my local yarn shop (Hand Held Knitting) I love to craft! I've tried my hand at scrapbooking (but my projects never turn out quite well, and the only book i've made that i'm really proud of, i managed to lose), I love painting with acrylics and watercolor, and I've recently gotten back into knitting (I've done a bunch of hats and scarves, have become frustrated with my first pair of mittens, and just started on my first sweater). I love taking polaroid and fish-eye pictures, you never know how they might turn out!I just recently found Sublime Stitching, and I would love to try my hand at embroidery!
I can't wait to post my art and crafty projects here as they get done (or require more inspiration)!
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